We Need More Space Society to krótkie wywiady z pasjonatami kosmosu i czytelnikami tego serwisu takimi jak Ty. Nazwa WE need more space nie wzięła się z niczego. Głęboko wierzymy, że MY wszyscy potrzebujemy więcej kosmosu w naszym życiu. Nie tylko ja. Nie tylko redaktorzy piszący tutaj. Nie tylko ludzie pracujący w sektorze kosmicznym, ale także TY! Tak, mówię właśnie do Ciebie!
Dziś moim gościem jest student Politechniki Warszawskiej, który nie mówi płynnie po polsku. Rozmawialiśmy więc po angielsku. Postanowiłem nie tłumaczyć jego słów, ufając, że większość czytelników We Need More Space i tak zna angielski na takim poziomie, który umożliwi swobodne zrozumienie odpowiedzi Nezara.
1 – Who are you and what are you doing?
My name is Nezar Sahbon I come from Tripoli in Libya, however I was born in Palermo, Italy and lived there 5 years after birth. I studied in an Irish international school in Tripoli. I graduated with Irish and Libyan highschool degrees. After my graduation I went for a theoretical pilot training course in Barcelona, Spain.
I chose Poland due to the fact that it is one of the very few countries in Europe that offer Aerospace Engineering bachelor degree in English language and Politechnika Warszawska is considered to be the best Engineering university in Poland. Currently I finished the first year of study in the field of Aerospace Engineering plus I have been living here in Warsaw for the past two years. I consider this city to be my second home. In the future I would like to work in the astronautical engineering sector designing rockets, shuttle, satellites or even space stations. Apart from designing it will be interesting to work with aerodynamics and propulsion. On the other hand I would also like to work in aeronautical engineering sector and maybe one day go to space if the opportunity arises.
2 – What interests you the most in space?
The mystery behind the origin and the future of the universe, the beauty of cosmos, the idea of humanity becoming an intergalactic civilization – space exploration and discovering resources, that can help humanity achieve better prosperity
3 Where did your passion for space come from?
It came from watching documentaries about space and space travel (when I was young with my father) as well as engineering the behind space shuttles, rockets, and jet aircrafts.
4 – Do you do something related to space exploration? And if not, would you like to? Do you have any idea what would it be?
Currently I am working on next PW-Sat cubesat satellite project from the Student Astronautical Association at Warsaw University of Technology (Studenckie Koło Astronautyczne na Politechnice Warszawskiej. I am also a member of the rocket section in the association, but I would like to do more work related to space exploration in the present and in the future.
5 – What is your greatest space related dream (but one of these to be implemented)?
For now just to get to space and see the beauty of our Solar System and possibly visit the International Space Station.
6 – Why is it worth spending millions of dollars on space exploration?
It’s the future of humanity to spread into the cosmos and it’s crucial for the survival of mankind.
Why it’s worth spending millions of dollars on Space exploration? It’s the future of humanity to spread into the cosmos and it’s crucial for the survival of mankind.
7 – Where should we first send astronauts – to the Moon or to Mars?
In my opinion I would say to Mars since we have been to the moon, but also It’s good to go to the Moon and build a station there to launch future space exploration missions.
8 – Favorite TV series, movie or science-fiction book? (The Martian and Insterstellar are too obvious, come up with something more original)
Star wars, The expense, Cosmos, The Elegant Universe, Gravity.